Acupuncture & Pain Management
Medical Hypnotherapy
Acupuncture & In Vitro Fertilization
Body Alignment and Posture
Nexte Energy Medicine and Reiki
Body, Mind & Spirit Courses
Our Services
We offer multiple integrative treatments to promote physical recovery, health and wellbeing.
Pain Management
Disposable, sterilized, disposable needles for acupuncture. It’s important to note that acupuncture needles are solid and very thin…
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), nearly 12 percent of women will experience fertility problems at some point in their lives.
Energy Medicine
We offer Reiki and Qigong as energy treatments. Energy medicine delivers bioresonance treatment in the form of bioelectromagnetics waves.
Medical Hypnosis
Medical hypnosis may be used to reduce treat aches, relieve stress caused by medical treatments, improve biomedical parameter disorder, and promote physiological/biochemical healing process.
Body Posture Alignment Screen & Correction
Poor posture in daily life causes the skew of the skeletal muscle fascia in the body, which in turn affects the normal function of viscera and nervous system in between.
Body-Mind-Spirit Courses
The classes in Body curriculum include Reiki, Qigong, Chinese medicine courses and the study of human postures. For Mind curriculum, we offer a training program for medical hypnosis certified by NGH (The National Guild of Hypnotists).
Scottsdale Integrated Healthcare Doctor
Dr. Chou mission is to help you achieve the health transformation you seek
Nexte Integrated Healthcare is an established, high-quality facility that utilized a diverse range of integrated therapies to achieve optimal holistic healthcare remediations. With the vast array of services that are provided here that are being conducted by a fully trained and certified doctor, you are guaranteed to have remarkable healing results.