Nexte Blog

Check out the latest Nexte blog for the latest acupuncture and cupping treatment ideas as a non-medication option.

Acupuncture & Cupping

Acupuncture has been practiced by Asian people for thousands of years to aid restoring physical and mental wellness effectively.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Herbs are essential for traditional Chinese medicine used in combination with acupuncture, to improve treatment of physical illness and emotional imbalance.

Energy Medicine

We offer Reiki and Qigong as energy treatments. Energy medicine delivers bioresonance treatment in the form of bioelectromagnetics waves.
Diet, Crime and Improper Behavior

Diet, Crime and Improper Behavior

American psychologist Dr. Chaus mentioned quirky teenager Jerry in his book "Diet, Crime, and Improper Behavior." He was hyperactive since he was a child and he was difficult to discipline. When he was 9 years old, he was disciplined for a period of time. At the age...

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MON-FRI (11AM-4PM):  9700 N 91st St A-115, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
MON-WED(6PM-9PM), SAT-SUN(2PM-6PM): Nobel Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85085 
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